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人類がその進化を止め滅亡へと向かう中、有り難き経典を手に入れるため天竺を目指す茜上人一行。立ち寄った邑で妖魔退治を頼まれた茜は、妖魔が現れるという廃鉱で一人の青年を見つける。足がなく、身の証明である「宝珠」を持たない彼は「塞の国」の王子・氷高の双子の片割れだった。茜はこの謎だらけの青年を天竺まで連れていくと言い出し――…。 In a world where humanity stopped progressing and started heading toward ruin, The Superior, Akane and her group head toward India to find out about humanity’s difficult future conclusion. At a village they stopped by at Akane accepts a request to defeat a Youma, at the mine where the Youma is said to reside the group encounter a young man. He has no feet, he has no “orb” which gives people their identity in this world. He is a prince of the country of Sai. He is the lesser part of a pair of half-identical twins. Akane suggests taking this mysterious young man along with them to India.


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